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Carlo Schneider

Personal branding and tax-optimized structures

Carlo Schneider is co-managing director of YuuTuu ( and lives mainly in Luxembourg.

He has been advising celebrities internationally and in Germany for many years and has been the executive board member / managing director of various IP rights companies, mainly in the music, fashion and sports industries (including, with a focus on the following topics:

Sustainable and wealth-oriented person branding, for which he has designed several legally protected concepts and programs (including LegacyScore ™ and The Perfect Match ™), Rights management and exploitation as well as project development, Structuring and management of corresponding companies based in Luxembourg for the purpose of developing and securing long-term prosperity.

He is also a director of a number of mutual funds and investment firms and the founder of Stories of Eden ™, a leading provider of sustainable luxury travel and quality travel information.

Carlo Schneider advises his clients on structuring, tax optimization and investment management issues (*).

Carlo Schneider is the former managing director of Bertelsmann Luxembourg, former board member of the Luxembourg competition authorities, former journalist, book author and university lecturer.

Carlo Schneider is a lawyer and certified financial analyst (post-graduate master).

(*) This is not about legal, tax or asset advice in the classic sense, but about general support and orientation which, among other things, consists of identifying the right adviser for the customer and accompanying them critically and constructively.